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Can I Use a Pulse Oximeter to Check for COVID-19?

Can I Use a Pulse Oximeter to Check for COVID-19?

Yes, you can and you should use a pulse oximeter to check for COVID-19 symptoms, according to Doctors Christy Reisinger and Richard Levitan. Both doctors treat COVID-19 patients. They both report that low blood oxygen is a seen in most if not all patients infected with COVID-19.

Best Pulse Oximeter for AFib, COVID-19 & Apnea Monitoring

Best Pulse Oximeter for AFib, COVID-19 & Apnea Monitoring

Low blood oxygen (hypoxemia) is a significant indicator of COVID-19 infection. These pulse oximeters can be your safety net to monitor for infection. If oxygen gets low, consider seeking medical help. This is even more important if you have a fever.

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