The Last Emotional Health Guide for Seniors You’ll Ever Use

The Last Emotional Health Guide for Seniors You’ll Ever Use

Gettting older is highly correlated with sadness, loneliness, and mental issues. There are ways to make this better.
Here are 15 actionable areas you can do today to improve your mental and emotional health. The areas for you to try are Cognitive Stimulation, Creativity, Exercise, Laugh, Learn, Meaningful Activitties, Medication Management, Mindfulness Meditttation, Nature, Nutrition, Professional Help, Relax, Socialize, Sleep, Volunteer

Struggling to Read? Top Magnifying Glass Options for Seniors

Struggling to Read? Top Magnifying Glass Options for Seniors

I carry reading glasses to the store. I use a handheld magnifying glass in the kitchen. Altogether, these are the best types of magnifying glass options for seniors:

1: Reading Glasses, 2: Handheld Magnifying Glass, 3: Stand Magnifying Glass, 4: Digital Magnifying Glass, 5: Wearable Magnifying Glass

Floor stand magnifier for reading

What are the Magnifier Choices for Reading?

A hands-free lighted magnifier allows you to hold the book while getting magnification and light for reading. Both floor stand and desktop lighted magnifiers help, which one is best depends on where you are doing your reading. You can also use reading glasses, various types of hand-held magnifiers, and digital magnifiers. Finally, you can use a computer tablet with a large display, and use the font accessbility feature to make the book easier to see.