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Looking for a convenient and safe way to transfer your loved ones? Check out the Drive Medical Bariatric Transfer Board With Hand Holes. With a weight capacity of 600 pounds, this sturdy and lightweight board makes transfers easy and safe. Don’t hesitate to check out for more information.
Looking for a reliable and convenient mobility aid? Read our review of the Stander Bariatric EZ Fold-N-Go Rollator HD, with its durable construction, adjustable handles, and unique folding design. Experience the freedom you deserve!
Looking for a versatile and reliable mobility aid? Read our review of the Drive Medical Nitro Duet Rollator and Transport Chair Hybrid. Find out why it’s the perfect solution for regaining independence and mobility. Get yours today!
Discover the Nova Medical Express Euro-Style Walker Rollator 2023 – a versatile and stylish mobility aid. With large wheels, comfortable seat, and storage compartment, it offers convenience and support.
Upgrade your mobility with the Nova Medical Star HD Bariatric Rollator Walker. With a weight capacity of 450 lbs. and adjustable seat and handle height, it offers personalized support and stability. Its sleek design, padded seat, easy-to-use brakes, and spacious storage compartment make it perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Get yours today!
Gettting older is highly correlated with sadness, loneliness, and mental issues. There are ways to make this better.
Here are 15 actionable areas you can do today to improve your mental and emotional health. The areas for you to try are Cognitive Stimulation, Creativity, Exercise, Laugh, Learn, Meaningful Activitties, Medication Management, Mindfulness Meditttation, Nature, Nutrition, Professional Help, Relax, Socialize, Sleep, Volunteer
Don’t let hearing loss hold you back! Our comprehensive guide to ITE hearing aids for seniors has everything you need to know.
Don’t let hearing loss hold you back! Our comprehensive guide to BTE hearing aids for seniors has everything you need to know.
Red Light Therapy (RLT) is the use of light for health. Several published studies show that RLT improves mood, memory, and cognition. Some case studies using RLT on Alzheimer’s patients discussed how much easier life was for caregivers after their patients received RLT.
The Apple Watch Heart Rate App can monitor the bypass patient’s heart rate and heart rhythm in real-time continuous mode. While it’s actually simple to set up, Apple throws silly vocabulary at us that needlessly confuses things. Learn how to set up the Apple Watch with ease so that you can monitor and record the bypass patient’s heart rate and rhythm.
Using an automated pill dispenser, caregivers free up the time it takes to obtain, sort, organize and chart their patient’s pills. Seniors get the convenience of timed medication alerts and the safety of not mixing up their meds, forgetting to take them, or taking too many.
A good pulse oximeter has a Perfusion Index (PI) and an OLED display with large numbers. The PI indicates if you’re getting a bad reading but the pulse is weak. The OLED display is bright and easy to see.
The ultimate grandma gift is this robot pet cat. All the affection, none of the poop or allergies.
A tympanic type, a digital type, and certain forehead scanner thermometers are all accurate. The differences among them are speed and comfort. They are all accurate to within 2/100ths of a degree.
Yes, you can and you should use a pulse oximeter to check for COVID-19 symptoms, according to Doctors Christy Reisinger and Richard Levitan. Both doctors treat COVID-19 patients. They both report that low blood oxygen is a seen in most if not all patients infected with COVID-19.
If you are a senior with certain illnesses, Dr. Reisinger advises you to consider getting a pulse oximeter to test yourself for hypoxia. Seniors in the higher-risk group who have hypoxia and a fever should probably go to the Emergency Room.
I have found the perfect gift for your grandma. If you’ve ever had a hard time buying grandma a gift, I have great news for you. An indoor gardening kit is an amazing gift for any grandmother who enjoys salad. The kits you can buy today are so easy to use. Depending on the model, you can grow up to 24 heads of lettuce at once! Leafy greens are incredibly good for bone health. Fresh vegetables are so much healthier than older heads shipped in from out of state. Buy your grandma an indoor veggie garden kit. It’s fun, healthy, and delicious.
I can smell dog fur when I vacuum the carpet. This means my vacuum cleaner is sucking in dog fur, and then shooting some of it back into the air! I am a senior citizen. Vacuuming is too much work to put up with this mess. Should I get a certified vacuum cleaner and a certified air cleaner?
I didn’t realize how close we were to the end when yet another fall resulted in my aunt’s broken hip. That hip fracture was the beginning of the end.
Adjustable beds are good at relieving pain, swelling, snoring, and arthritis. Propping up your head and legs in different combinations and heights relieves pressure and discomfort. That relief helps you sleep.
Learn how to have a pet without bringing an animal into the house. If you’re in Florida, you can rent a grandkid. Learn three ways to make friends while volunteering.
Grab bars, entrance ramps, removing rugs, moving the bedroom, stair lifts, elevators, shower seats, better lighting, pullout shelves and comfort height toilets.
Taking care of Mom or Dad is by far the hardest and most important job we have. But it’s hard, time-consuming, and stressful. The Alexa smart home device is an amazing tool that can ease the burdens of caring for the elderly. Here are four outstanding ways to use Alexa.
Weighted blankets are safe. They help reduce anxiety. They can create a calm, peaceful feeling. Seniors can safely use weighted blankets. Use a lighter version if the user is weaker than normal.
For airborne allergens, the best allergy device is a HEPA air purifier. The best air purifier will be the one that not only cleans the air, but also has the sense not to wake us up at night with lights and noise.
To check your AFib at home, get an over-the-counter ECG (electrocardiogram), also known as a “home heart monitor.”
A bed alarm alerts a caregiver when the patient is getting up from bed, chair, or the toilet. Bed alarms prevent falls by calling the caregiver to intervene. I call the Bed Alarm the “Mom needs help but refuses to ask for it alarm.”
Do balance, strength, and posture exercises to keep yourself strong and upright. De-clutter your home to avoid tripping. Re-arrange furniture to make wide paths.
Bose Hearphones use noise suppression and selective frequency amplification to clarify conversations. They are not “hearing aids.” They help you to hear conversations.
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