Senior phone check in service

What is a Senior Daily Check-In Service?

A senior daily check-in service calls a senior every day at a certain time. If the senior does not answer after several tries, the service notifies the designated caregivers. With many services, if the caregivers do not respond, the service calls the police to ask for a welfare check on the senior.

Using a home system, you speak through the call box, even if it is as far as 600 ft. away.

The Unbiased Guide to Choosing a Medical Alert System

Learn how a medical alert works, so you can make an informed decision when choosing yours. This is the research I would do for my mom if I were buying her a medical alert service. It’s about compliance. If you don’t wear the button, you don’t really have a medical alert system.

As you stand up, the Seat Assist offers a gentle push. Reverse these pictures for how to use the Seat Assist to sit down.

5 Reliable Devices that Help Someone to Stand Up (and one you should never use)

Now we have recliners called “lift chairs” that can transport you from sitting to standing up. We have cushions that expand as we get up to give us just enough push to stand up. We have sitting and standing assistance devices for couches, hard chairs, and toilets. 

Instantly drop in on mom

Four Outstanding Ways to Use Alexa for the Elderly

Taking care of Mom or Dad is by far the hardest and most important job we have. But it’s hard, time-consuming, and stressful. The Alexa smart home device is an amazing tool that can ease the burdens of caring for the elderly. Here are four outstanding ways to use Alexa.

Microwave bump dots

What are Tactile, Low-Vision, Non-Optical Devices?

Tactile devices allow you to use your sense of touch to landmark where you are. For example, “bump dots” are small pieces of plastic you attach to the phone, oven, or similar device. You put the dots on dial settings. Then use your sense of touch to turn the dial to the desired setting. 

Floor stand magnifier for reading

What are the Magnifier Choices for Reading?

A hands-free lighted magnifier allows you to hold the book while getting magnification and light for reading. Both floor stand and desktop lighted magnifiers help, which one is best depends on where you are doing your reading. You can also use reading glasses, various types of hand-held magnifiers, and digital magnifiers. Finally, you can use a computer tablet with a large display, and use the font accessbility feature to make the book easier to see.

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