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10 Ways to Safely Climb Stairs, Get Into the Bath, Get off the Floor, Walk, Sit and Stand

10 Ways to Safely Climb Stairs, Get Into the Bath, Get off the Floor, Walk, Sit and Stand

Use a transport device to get Mom from room to room within the home. Get the device measurements before buying. The right fit will keep Mom safe, and make your life 100x easier.

Red light therapy for dementia: woman and man

Red Light Therapy for Dementia

Red Light Therapy (RLT) is the use of light for health. Several published studies show that RLT improves mood, memory, and cognition. Some case studies using RLT on Alzheimer’s patients discussed how much easier life was for caregivers after their patients received RLT.

AngelSense Continuous Monitoring

How Can I Track My Parents’ Location Using AngelSense?

The best mom and dad tracker is the AngelSense. They ensure the parent is wearing the device before wandering off. Nothing else matters if they do not have the device with them when they wander.

Medical alert operator

Pinpoint the Medical Alert for Your Needs

Use the Senior Home Central product finder to find the specific medical alert you need.  For home alerts, choose a landline or use the service’s cellular signal. For alerts away from home, choose a pendant signal, a pendant with two-way communication, and location detection features.


An Apple Watch Heart Rate Guide for the Heart Bypass Patient

The Apple Watch Heart Rate App can monitor the bypass patient’s heart rate and heart rhythm in real-time continuous mode. While it’s actually simple to set up, Apple throws silly vocabulary at us that needlessly confuses things. Learn how to set up the Apple Watch with ease so that you can monitor and record the bypass patient’s heart rate and rhythm.

Recommended companionship products and links

Best Robot Stuffed Doggie to Keep Mom or Dad Company

The best robotic dog to give seniors a sense of love and comfort is the Joy for All  Companion Pet Golden Pup. The Golden Pup has been tested at nursing homes where it not only generated smiles, it also enhanced human-to-human conversations. The Golden Pup brightens hearts with its soft coat, and sensors that respond to human touch. If you listen very carefully you can actually hear its little doggie heartbeat.

Senior phone check in service

What is a Senior Daily Check-In Service?

A senior daily check-in service calls a senior every day at a certain time. If the senior does not answer after several tries, the service notifies the designated caregivers. With many services, if the caregivers do not respond, the service calls the police to ask for a welfare check on the senior.

As you stand up, the Seat Assist offers a gentle push. Reverse these pictures for how to use the Seat Assist to sit down.

5 Reliable Devices that Help Someone to Stand Up (and one you should never use)

Now we have recliners called “lift chairs” that can transport you from sitting to standing up. We have cushions that expand as we get up to give us just enough push to stand up. We have sitting and standing assistance devices for couches, hard chairs, and toilets. 

Floor stand magnifier for reading

What are the Magnifier Choices for Reading?

A hands-free lighted magnifier allows you to hold the book while getting magnification and light for reading. Both floor stand and desktop lighted magnifiers help, which one is best depends on where you are doing your reading. You can also use reading glasses, various types of hand-held magnifiers, and digital magnifiers. Finally, you can use a computer tablet with a large display, and use the font accessbility feature to make the book easier to see.

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