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Best and Mentioned Air Cleaners and Vacuums

Best and Mentioned Air Cleaners and Vacuums

Air cleaner and vacuum certification are industry-created labels. The certification doesn’t come from a third party. Despite the possibility for bias, I observed that certfied air cleaners were good machines. The certified vacuum cleaners were a mixed lot of good and not as good machines.

Best weighted blanket for seniors

The Best Weighted Blanket for Seniors

The best weighted blanket for seniors is the Mosaic Navy Minky Weighted Blanket in either the “throw” or the “twin” size.  Mosaic is a superior blanket brand, and this blanket is especially soft to the touch. The exterior is super soft and comforting to the touch. The individual weighted squares sewn inside give you the feeling of being hugged.

Best Bidet (to Wash and Prevent Falls) for Mom

Best Bidet (to Wash and Prevent Falls) for Mom

If you dropped chocolate pudding on the floor, would you clean it up with a dry tissue? Of course not! The best way to clean after going to the toilet is to use water. A bidet is a toilet device that you use to clean yourself after going. Using a bidet isn’t just more hygenic. The shower is a common place for nasty falls. When you remove the shower from the equation, you raise your chances of not falling.

Best toilet assistance frame

Best Toilet Stand-Assist Devices for Mom

I definitely prefer the toilet frame design that sits on the floor, and not the one that sits on the toilet bowl under the seat. The floor variety is more stable. If you push down harder on one side than the other, the toilet prevents the frame from tilting over. The floor variety is also easier to clean because it’s not literally on the toilet bowl.

Best Pulse Oximeter for AFib, COVID-19 & Apnea Monitoring

Best Pulse Oximeter for AFib, COVID-19 & Apnea Monitoring

Low blood oxygen (hypoxemia) is a significant indicator of COVID-19 infection. These pulse oximeters can be your safety net to monitor for infection. If oxygen gets low, consider seeking medical help. This is even more important if you have a fever.

Recommended Heart Devices

Best Heart Monitor for Mom to Check AFib at Home

The Pulsebit-EX scans for multiple arrhythmia patterns. It stores history for two users. It allows you to measure with your palms or with double leads. Use email or download/print to share reports with your doctor. The software is very detailed and is free. If you are never going to use the electrical leads, you could use the Pulsebit as a handheld monitor, or get the KardiaMobile, which is an excellent choice as well.

Recommended Patient Transport

Best Patient Transfer Device

If the patient can pull herself up from a sitting position (or use a chair lift to do so) then the best budget patient transport is the Lumex Stand Assist. This is the transport device with the cushy built-in seat that moving up to a 400 lb. person relatively easy for the caregiver. If the patient cannot lift herself at all, or if you are picking up a patient on the floor, then the best choice is the Hi-Fortune Patient Lift. It includes the carrying sling, locking casters, and carries 450 lb.

Recommended companionship products and links

Best Robot Stuffed Doggie to Keep Mom or Dad Company

The best robotic dog to give seniors a sense of love and comfort is the Joy for All  Companion Pet Golden Pup. The Golden Pup has been tested at nursing homes where it not only generated smiles, it also enhanced human-to-human conversations. The Golden Pup brightens hearts with its soft coat, and sensors that respond to human touch. If you listen very carefully you can actually hear its little doggie heartbeat.

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